Spine Surgery and Physical Therapy: How to Achieve the Best Outcomes

According to the best spine specialists in Chandigarh, these exercises are a must to recover from spine surgery easily. These exercises will help your body become strong, and you can have a happy life after healing
Are you currently being treated by a physical therapist after having spine surgery?

You may need to perform specific core exercises as part of your physical therapy program.


This post aims to provide you with the best exercises to help ease your pain, increase mobility, and speed up healing during recovery.


  •  Pelvic Lift

In treating back pain, it is important to consider the multifidus muscle. Located between vertebrae, this muscle runs from one to the other. As a result of gravity and other moving vertebrae, it protects the vertebra from sliding forward.


The multifidus muscle is trained to respond more quickly by lifting the pelvis.

The first thing you need to do is lay down on your back and bend your knees. 

Cross your arms over your chest to reduce the level of compensation that affects the exercise’s effectiveness.

Hold your pelvis for 10 seconds while lifting it towards the ceiling/sky. Exercise 10 times, twice a day.


  • Ankle Pumps

Calves are used to pump blood to the heart with ankle pumps, which are a form of nerve stretching. Lay flat on your back while doing this exercise. Then move your ankles upwards and downwards. At least ten times should be repeated.


  • Abdominal Draw-In

Place your feet flat on the ground and lie on your back with your arms by your side. Your lower back should be flattened to the ground as your abdominal muscles are tightened. Hold this position for a few seconds. Place one foot on the ground and lift the other slowly, as if you were marching. Then drop your knee back above your heart after completing the “marching”.


  • Bridges

Performing bridges after lumbar fusion or spine surgery is a great exercise to pursue. Bend your knees upwards while lying on your back.


Keeping your shoulders and hips in line, keep your spine neutral. As you raise your hips, ensure that your upper legs align with your body.


  • Planks

Lift your body off the ground with your elbows and toes while lying on your stomach, face down. Make sure your hips don’t drop as long as you can while in this position. One to two minutes is a good goal for holding the plank position.


  • Bird Dog

You will gain stability and balance by doing the bird dog. Your hips and core muscles will also be strengthened.


Put yourself on all fours. Bend your left foot forward by extending your left leg behind you. Afterwards, extend your right arm in front of you and point your thumb upward.


Ensure your left shoulder does not fall into the pose by engaging your abdominal muscles. Repeat this position on the opposite side for 10 to 30 seconds.


The bottom line

According to the best spine specialists in Chandigarh, these exercises are a must to recover from spine surgery easily. These exercises will help your body become strong, and you can have a happy life after healing


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