Bladder Control Issues in Women: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

best urologist in Ambala
Bladders are sac-like organs located in the lower abdomen. This organ stores urine sent from the kidneys until it can be expelled from the body. All women are liable to bladder issues at some point in their lives. They can badly affect your quality of life, including your daily activities, sexual health, and emotional well-being.

For further inquiries, it is wise to visit the best urologist in Ambala at Amcare Hospital.


Women with bladder problems experience different signs and symptoms. It is also important to consider the type of bladder problem and its severity when determining signs. There are many signs and symptoms linked with bladder issues, including:

  • Leakage from the bladder
  • Urination pain or burning
  • The urine is cloudy
  • Urination urges that are insistent and strong
  • Frequent, small amounts of urination
  • Over eight urinations per day or more than two urinations per night.
  • Strong-smelling urine
  • Urine with blood
  • Sexual pain
  • Lower abdominal pain or pressure


Bacteria that enter the urinary tract often cause bladder issues. The following ways can introduce these infections:

  • An increase in sexual activity (especially with a new partner)
  • Urination without proper hygiene
  • Toilet backsplash
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, the use of tampons, douches, and spermicides
  • Incontinence of the bowels

Bladder issues diagnosis

Symptoms of bladder issues and concerns about your bladder health are signs you should see your doctor. Doctors want to know about your signs, lifestyle, and family history.

You will also need to send a urine sample for analysis to see if you have any bacterial infections. You might also get a pelvic exam at your first visit, so do not menstruate when you go.

If your doctor thinks there is a problem, they might do a cystoscopy. They put a camera on the end of a tube and insert it into your urethra and bladder. Moreover, they can check for abnormalities inside the bladder.


Antibiotics can often treat bladder issues with just a drug. However, a variety of treatment and prevention options are available based on your specific problem, health risks, lifestyle habits, and medical history. Among them are:

Lifestyle changes

It can improve your overall health and cut bladder issues if you lose weight (if you’re overweight). Make sure you drink lots of water, cranberry juice, and fewer caffeinated drinks.

Training your bladder

Increasing your urine holding capacity is part of this treatment plan for incontinence. Exercises like Kegels and regular urination are part of it.

The purpose of this blog is to explain bladder issues in women. It is wise to visit the best urologist in Chandigarh if facing issues.


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