Early Cancer Warning Signs: 5 Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

best cancer specialist surgeon in Chandigarh

Cancer is considered one of the most deadly diseases. Cancer can occur in any part of the body due to the abnormal growth of cells. Cancer can be of many types and can hit any person irrespective of their age. Any abnormal growth of cells can carry cancer agents, pathogens, radiations and many more unwanted things that can cause cancer.

Cancer can best be treated under the care of an expert cancer specialist like the ones working at Amcare Hospital. At Amcare, you can get a promising treatment for almost all types of cancer. First, the patient undergoes screening and diagnoses to know that exact condition and provide appropriate medication for his treatment. 

Signs and symptoms of cancer can arise in any person and of any age group. So every individual needs to go under a regular checkup to predict future diseases and detect cancer. There are different stages of cancer that keep on increasing the risk as they increase in digits. 

Symptoms and signs of cancer require 

  1. Pain in bones 

Bone cancer from its initial stages makes the patient suffer from pain. Pain can also be a sign in significant locations of cancer and cause confusion for the doctor. Even after the treatment, a patient can suffer from pain, so it needs to be fully treated to get rid of the pain. 

  1. Weight loss

A majority of people who are suffering from cancer experience a loss of their weight. Weight loss lies in the primary signs of cancer and can even be caused due to the immense pain a patient suffers if he has cancer.

  1. Fever

Fever is another symptom of cancer that you should not ignore. If you have a fever that lasts more than 3 days or is a very high-temperature fever, you should call your doctor immediately and get yourself diagnosed under a good doctor. 


Cancer is a life-taking disease and has taken the lives of many people. If you experience even the slightest signs or symptoms of cancer, you should visit a cancer specialist within no time.

 The Amcare hospital is providing the best care to cancer patients with a high number of successful treatments. It offers the latest technological treatments to the patients, providing higher chances of getting successful treatment. So if you experience any of the signs and symptoms, you are more than welcome to visit us and get the best treatment from the best cancer specialist surgeon in Chandigarh at Amcare Hospital. 


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